About True Love:
True Love is not about being served, but serving others. When God created His object partner of love in the beginning, He invested all of His energy, all of Himself, 100 percent. In this way God set the example of true love. In other words, God set the tradition of true love by exhausting Himself completely. This true love is the center of the cosmos. Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 3, p 270
Creating International, Interfaith, and Interracial couples
is possible if:
We are able to use a system, accessible by all, to create a very large pool of Candidates.
The Online Matching System has been serving members of the Unification Movement worldwide since October 2010. It is our offering. We want you to feel safe as you search for your Heavenly Spouse. We want you to be well prepared. We shall guide you as much or as little as you wish. You, the Candidate, are in charge.
Take care of yourself during this process. Think. Pray. Reflect. Involve your Matching Team. Creating healthy couples and families is the fastest way to build a world of everlasting peace.
Welcome all Unificationists
Be proud of who you are.
Young and old alike, members of the Unification Movement are welcome to register on OMS to find their Heavenly Spouse. You may have just become part of it a few years back, or, some of you might have parents who joined many years ago and are now following in their footsteps.
OMS provides a safe and principled environment that will allow you to search wisely for your Heavenly Spouse.
First Generation individuals (1st GEN) can be proud of who they are. They voluntarily chose to become Unificationists. They have made the effort to study the Divine Principle and modify their faith, becoming a member of a still very young but very much expanding Movement. They should be looked upon as extremely precious individuals who deserve respect and care. Let’s think this through: without the First Generation, there would be no Blessed Children (BC)!
It is not easy to understand the faith of another person. Many of our Blessed Children are finding their own path forward towards God, our Heavenly Parent. We all have the right to be proud of who we are, whether First Generation or Blessed Children. Let’s develop the humility to welcome and support each other—no matter our status—in our effort to grow and become the best individuals we can be, so that God can truly be proud of each and every one of us.
A few Q & A
How long is it going to take to find a suitable spouse?
Finding a spouse is neither a race nor a competition. Rushing and skipping part of the process won’t help. Regardless of one’s age and circumstance, the best way to find one’s heavenly spouse is to start at the beginning and overcome each obstacle as they come. It is important to keep focus and not put the tasks that are required on the back burner. At some point you will find yourself having to answer important questions about who you are, your faith, your family vision, and so on. Your essays are possibly the most important papers you will write in your whole life. Do it well and do it truthfully.
If you want me to give you a time frame, I would estimate six months to several years. In our experience, that is what it will take from the time you are a Candidate, not from the time you are thinking about becoming one. Please remember, you are not alone. None of us are. You have a plan for your life, so does God, our Heavenly Parent. Do your part so that God can do His part.
I am a man who is over 45 years old, what are my chances to find someone with whom I can still raise a family?
While it is possible for you to find someone around your same age, your chances to find someone young enough with whom to have at least one child will depend on the size of our pool of candidates and your requirements in the choice of a spouse. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going through the process and trying.
Let me approach the subject of the size of our pool of candidates. The membership of the Unification Movement worldwide is still quite small in comparison with many other religious groups. However, not small enough to not make a difference, therefore, word-of-mouth "advertising" is extremely important. If you are reading this and feel that this particular site is doing a good job, then please advertise it. Talk about it. Write about it—in a blog, through Social Media, etc.
While only a small percentage of our membership is currently registered through our site. OMS is willing, ready, and able to serve a large pool of candidates. OMS works very closely with every nation's Blessing Family Departments and do not override their leadership. Members and affiliates of the Unification Movement will not be turned down if they register on OMS. Each person will receive the support they need to find their heavenly spouse.
Subscribe to our Newsletter, published four time a year or less.
Testimonials: Customers
say the nicest things
TELEPHONE: 302-332-2672
Received May 15, 2017
Dear Anne-Marie,
Hello, I am sorry my response
took time. I wanted to make sure I had time to sit in
front of my computer and type this but seems life is not
giving me this time. I write to you as I am in bed with
the lights off so I can get few hours of sleep before I
go to work after I send this to you.
I wanted to
tell you I really really appreciated your phone call. I
felt like I tried to reach out, do my 5% (as the church
would say), hoping something would change and I felt
like I was shut down a lot of times In the past. You
making that phone call twice and the email you sent was
the most anyone in the church has ever done for me in
such a long time. And It really touched me.
just wanted to let you know, I wanted to try using OMS
once, seriously commit to it, and see what happens from
it. I hope I can try to find time to do it sometime
soon... within the month.
I just wanted to let
you know.
Good night & Thank you.
Received September 2017
Hi Anne- Marie,
I would like to let you know that I got blessed during the recent Blessing. It was done by means of parents' matching. My spouse is from ---. I participated in the ceremony in September.
I would like to thank you for the love and support you have given me on this long and tough journey. Thank you so much for encouraging me to fearlessly pursue True Parents' vision. Your support came at a time when I was being ridiculed and belittled by elders and those in leadership. There were even threats after you wrote a letter to International HQ.
During the difficult times it meant a lot to me that a person that I had never met was urging me on and giving me love. It is because of that support that I am where I am today. I hope God gives you the strength to carry on as well as to bless you in your personal life and whatever you do.
Kind Regards
Received from a Pastor
This newsletter is great. I feel this is really precious. I want to share it with the young First Gen in our community, all of whom are currently going through matching education. I feel you really highlighted some concerns they have and your words were soothing. I will share this with the community as I feel that not enough people are even aware of OMS, let alone your heart and investment behind the project. Thank you, Thank you.
Received from Candidates
I truly appreciate your concern and investment in OMS. At this time I'm waiting patiently to be interviewed by a sister in my hometown. Without your support and enthusiasm, I believe working through details to become a Candidate would have overwhelmed me. Although I began this process several years ago, and just now feel close to becoming a Candidate after 4 1/2 years, I've learned quite a bit from my Heavenly Parent about patience and sincerity.
Thank you for your constancy, effort and example. I have a dog, and it touched my heart that you showed a picture of your dog and cat in the newsletter. It is amazing how much help pets, and the creation overall have been in this family, and in helping my son and I manage stress and conflicts. He is over 15 now, but I wish I'd thought of getting a dog to walk and for my son to interact with at an earlier juncture in our life. Perhaps that's why you included their picture? Our dog is the one member of our family that we can always count on to make us laugh with or at her or at one another! When I finally get all parts of the BFM application completed, I'll begin again on the OMS site. It can't hurt to be as thorough as possible. Gratefully.
Thank you. This letter really helped free me up. I felt really understood as a young first gen. It is the reason I haven't been working on my process recently. It hurt my self-esteem and was stopping me from seeing my true value to God and his plan to restore the world. I also have grown in my understanding of the heart it takes for the advisors to provide a suggestion to me and I will respect that much more moving forward.