who are Advocates?
A candidate's best friends and cheerleaders

It's easy
Even if you are not computer literate, you will be able to use OMS to keep track of the Candidates who seek your support. You will also be able to search for a potential spouse just like the Candidate does. If the Candidate is still an Applicant, you can follow the progress of their profile by going to "PrintView" in OMS.
As an advocate, you do not need to register on OMS. The Candidate will be the one who will enter your name and email address in the database. If they do so, OMS will send a notification and you will receive a welcome email from OMS directly.
It's private
OMS has been live since October 2010. The privacy of our Candidates is paramount to the well-being of this website and its services. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me (Anne-Marie Mylar) directly.
It's teamwork
As an Advocate, you are part of the Matching Team of the Candidate. Other people will include a Matching Advisor and the parents in the case of Blessed Children. A candidate has only one matching advisor, usually, but can have several Advocates. Stay connected with each other on a regular basis to support, guide, and pray for your Candidate.
What is the Difference between a Matching Advisor and an Advocate?
- A Matching Advisor is a person who is willing to take the responsibility to guide an individual from preparation for the Matching and Blessing, all the way to a successful Blessing. Matching Supporters are trusted with very private information and educated by the Blessing Family Departments to fulfill this responsibility. They have to keep themselves up-to-date on all the Matching and Blessing requirements and must have common sense and great sensitivity about the privacy of other people.
- In the USA, Matching Advisors work with local representatives of the BFM and with local pastors. However, pastors and BFM representatives (also called BFM coordinators) are not necessarily Matching Advisors. Applicants should relate to a Matching Advisor whom they trust and who knows them well.
- An Advocate is someone who knows a Candidate well. An Advocate should be able to vouch for the integrity and the character of the Candidate. An Advocate is not a Matching Advisor and does not have to go through the trainings. An Advocate can help the Matching Advisor because he or she understands a Candidate's qualifications and background. An Advocate and the Matching Advisor help the Candidate in their search for a potential match.
Subscribe to our Newsletter, published four time a year or less.
Testimonials: Customers
say the nicest things
TELEPHONE: 302-332-2672
Received May 15, 2017
Dear Anne-Marie,
Hello, I am sorry my response
took time. I wanted to make sure I had time to sit in
front of my computer and type this but seems life is not
giving me this time. I write to you as I am in bed with
the lights off so I can get few hours of sleep before I
go to work after I send this to you.
I wanted to
tell you I really really appreciated your phone call. I
felt like I tried to reach out, do my 5% (as the church
would say), hoping something would change and I felt
like I was shut down a lot of times In the past. You
making that phone call twice and the email you sent was
the most anyone in the church has ever done for me in
such a long time. And It really touched me.
just wanted to let you know, I wanted to try using OMS
once, seriously commit to it, and see what happens from
it. I hope I can try to find time to do it sometime
soon... within the month.
I just wanted to let
you know.
Good night & Thank you.
Received September 2017
Hi Anne- Marie,
I would like to let you know that I got blessed during the recent Blessing. It was done by means of parents' matching. My spouse is from ---. I participated in the ceremony in September.
I would like to thank you for the love and support you have given me on this long and tough journey. Thank you so much for encouraging me to fearlessly pursue True Parents' vision. Your support came at a time when I was being ridiculed and belittled by elders and those in leadership. There were even threats after you wrote a letter to International HQ.
During the difficult times it meant a lot to me that a person that I had never met was urging me on and giving me love. It is because of that support that I am where I am today. I hope God gives you the strength to carry on as well as to bless you in your personal life and whatever you do.
Kind Regards
Received from a Pastor
This newsletter is great. I feel this is really precious. I want to share it with the young First Gen in our community, all of whom are currently going through matching education. I feel you really highlighted some concerns they have and your words were soothing. I will share this with the community as I feel that not enough people are even aware of OMS, let alone your heart and investment behind the project. Thank you, Thank you.
Received from Candidates
I truly appreciate your concern and investment in OMS. At this time I'm waiting patiently to be interviewed by a sister in my hometown. Without your support and enthusiasm, I believe working through details to become a Candidate would have overwhelmed me. Although I began this process several years ago, and just now feel close to becoming a Candidate after 4 1/2 years, I've learned quite a bit from my Heavenly Parent about patience and sincerity.
Thank you for your constancy, effort and example. I have a dog, and it touched my heart that you showed a picture of your dog and cat in the newsletter. It is amazing how much help pets, and the creation overall have been in this family, and in helping my son and I manage stress and conflicts. He is over 15 now, but I wish I'd thought of getting a dog to walk and for my son to interact with at an earlier juncture in our life. Perhaps that's why you included their picture? Our dog is the one member of our family that we can always count on to make us laugh with or at her or at one another! When I finally get all parts of the BFM application completed, I'll begin again on the OMS site. It can't hurt to be as thorough as possible. Gratefully.
Thank you. This letter really helped free me up. I felt really understood as a young first gen. It is the reason I haven't been working on my process recently. It hurt my self-esteem and was stopping me from seeing my true value to God and his plan to restore the world. I also have grown in my understanding of the heart it takes for the advisors to provide a suggestion to me and I will respect that much more moving forward.