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Testimony from candidates
Thank you. This newsletter really helped free me up. I felt really understood as a young First Gen. It is the reason I haven't been working on my process recently. It hurt my self-esteem and was stopping me from seeing my true value to God and His plan to restore the world. I also have grown in my understanding of the heart it takes for the advisors to provide a suggestion to me, and I will respect that much more moving forward.
I truly appreciate your concern and investment in OMS. At this time I'm waiting patiently to be interviewed by a sister in my hometown. Without your support and enthusiasm, I believe working through details to become a Candidate would have overwhelmed me. Although I began this process in 2010, and just now feel close to becoming a Candidate after 4 1/2 years, I've learned quite a bit from my Heavenly Parent about patience and sincerity.
Thank you for your constancy, effort and example. I have a dog, and it touched my heart that you showed a picture of your dog and cat in the newsletter. It is amazing how much help pets, and the creation overall have been in this family, and in helping my son and I manage stress and conflicts. He is over 15 now, but I wish I'd thought of getting a dog to walk and for my son to interact with at an earlier juncture in our life. Perhaps that's why you included their picture? Our dog is the one member of our family that we can always count on to make us laugh with or at her or at one another! When I finally get all parts of the BFM application completed, I'll begin again on the OMS site. It can't hurt to be as thorough as possible. Gratefully.
Testimony from a Pastor.
This is great. I feel this is really precious. I want to share it with the young first gen in our community, all of whom are currently going through matching education. I feel you really highlighted some concerns they have and your words were soothing. I will share this with the community as I feel that not enough people are even aware of OMS, let alone your heart and investment behind the project. Thank you, Thank you.
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